About To Whom I May Concern® Live
If you are a member of an Early Stage Support Group of people with dementia or you facilitate a group, you have probably wished that families, friends, health professionals, and other members of your community, could hear the thoughts and feelings expressed in your meetings. To Whom I May Concern® can help you make that happen.
Starting a TWIMC Live program is like adding a two-way mirror to a meeting room, allowing care partners to listen and learn. This is a rare opportunity for people with dementia to speak without being interrupted.
TWIMC Live projects involve a trained facilitator and a focus group of people living with a progressive brain illness, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Together, they co-create a script, written as a series of letters addressed “To whom I may concern,” that reflect the unique experiences of the group and the message they wish to convey to the audience.
When the script is performed in front of a live audience, the spotlight is on the person with dementia, and the audience listens to stories that express the “feeling” side of living with memory loss and confusion. The honesty of the actors invites understanding, laughter, and most importantly, conversation. The space between the stage and the audience shrinks and the applause feels like an embrace.