To Whom I May Concern® Facilitator Training
Have you ever wanted to engage people aware of cognitive changes in a program that amplifies their voices, all while benefiting from new friends, shared support, and meaningful and purposeful engagement? Learn how with TWIMC Facilitator Training.
“You all did a great job presenting on this subject that most of us want to ignore personally.”
Gene Shelly, Menno Haven Resident & TWIMC Facilitator
Supported by a certified TWIMC facilitator, To Whom I May Concern® (TWIMC) is a storytelling and performance program for people living with early-stage dementia: People Aware of Cognitive Changes. People aware of cognitive changes are invited to join a Sharing Group, which meets weekly to share their stories of diagnosis, coping strategies, personal challenges, family and community life, and their hopes and dreams for the future.
The group’s stories become the foundation of a co-created script. Group members can choose to share their script publicly; most groups perform one scripted reading by group members before a supportive and eager audience!
“People aware of cognitive changes tend to take on a new identity from the stories other people tell about them that are based in myth and stigma. By telling their own stories, people living with dementia reclaim their identity.”
Laura Bowley, To Whom I May Concern Senior Facilitator
What Is a Sharing Group?
A Sharing Group is a gathering of people from your community who are aware of their recent diagnosis of a form of dementia and who are interested in sharing with others their experience of living with a dementia-related illness.
You may form a new group by inviting people aware of cognitive changes from your senior’s center, faith community, retirement community or from referrals from local doctors, neurologists, or memory clinics.
A group may already exist as an Early Stage Support Group of people aware of cognitive changes, who want to move past doing activities to talking about their experiences.
A Sharing Group may elect to continue as an active support group even after their To Whom I May Concern® performance!
Facilitator Training enables you to:
- Develop the skills to work with groups of people aware of cognitive changes and with the knowledge and tools to create an engaging TWIMC script
- Facilitate a unique program that empowers people aware of cognitive changes to educate their communities about dementia and make a difference
- Connect with others who have a passion for listening to the person diagnosed
- Learn through stimulating online classes that combine instruction, reading, group work, self-reflection, and hands-on practice
- Receive Certification as TWIMC Facilitator upon completion of requirements
“No one gives people living with dementia the time to tell their stories. But when stories are told in a live performance, the audience has no choice but to listen.”– Maureen Matthews, PhD, RN, Founder of To Whom I May Concern®
Benefits of Certification:
Ability to bring TWIMC to your local community with training and support from a community of experienced trainers
Authorization to use trademark To Whom I May Concern® on the script and promotional materials
Authorized use of the TWIMC template for your group’s script
Receive regular TWIMC program updates
Stay connected with the wider TWIMC facilitator community
Qualify to participate in the Train-the-Trainer Program and train new facilitators in your community
Requirements for Certification
Successful completion of TWIMC Facilitator Training Program
Facilitation of a TWIMC Sharing Group from group formation through to performance
Participation in an annual gathering of facilitators to share their experience of creating TWIMC
Info About Upcoming Training
For more information, please email us.
“To Whom I May Concern® has the potential to be a game changer for us, and I appreciate your support to help us get started!”
Roger Beins, Chief Operating Officer, Menno Haven Retirement Communities
“What a great experience this was. I was afraid that three days, three hours per day, would be too much and too intense for me. But it was so engaging and interesting that the time flew by. I have learned so much from Maureen and Laura.“
Elly Contreras, Facilitator Training Participant
Maureen Matthews, PhD, RN,
Founder, To Whom I May Concern®
Laura Bowley, To Whom I May Concern® Senior Facilitator, Director of Communications & Development